So you want to get more out of your people? Do you know what they actually value in their lives and careers?
There is a technique which is reasonably new to coaching but was originally devised in the times of Socrates. Axiology. This is a philosophy looking at value systems.
What happens when a company starts valuing rules policies and procedures above the cohesiveness and the needs of the people within the business? Productivity reduces. Happiness reduces. Output reduces.
It has been proven in the past that companies which value that people above everything else grow the fastest are known to be the best companies to work for and thrive.
Within coaching we talk to people about thoughts, feelings and also values. However, what we actually hold as valuable to us as people is a driving force behind how we act.
What holds value for you?
This is the question we could be asking coaching clients and people within our organisations. This question can uncover areas for change and improvements across all areas of business and life.
Being human beings, we will chase something which holds value for us relentlessly. If something threatens what holds value for us we defend it. If something does not hold value for us we will pretty much ignore it! What we value individually is one of the most important drivers we have. Misjudgements in what people value has been the downfall of many great organisations and governments/economies.
95% of our thoughts, actions and feelings are controlled by the subconscious mind according to Gerald Zaltman who developed the ZMET tool for assessing conscious and unconscious thought. These are made up of mental habits that were developed during our lives. When we have a thought process that rises above to the conscious level, the subconscious or unconscious part of us can still try and fight this. So how can we get these subconscious or unconscious biases and thought processes out of the way in order to allow the conscious mind to take action? We can start coaching our people to notice these.
So what is the philosophy of axiology?
To understand this better we need to understand the concept of what is good. Also in order to understand if something is good and it holds value we really need to understand what that thing's purpose is. Once we know what purpose is we can start to understand the attributes required to get to that purpose.
The worst catastrophes have occured when leading authorities either in business or government have NOT adhered to a hierarchy of values which puts people as holding the highest value at the top of the pyramid. Understanding what they consider to have value and moving towards purpose.
As individuals and as companies we appear to be moving away from this hierarchy of values and in a time where money is becoming more and more important it is even more essential now to understand that people are going to be the most valuable assets we have to change our way of thinking as leaders and influencers.
A study of over 25,000 people by Peter Demarest, Founder of Axiogenics, discovered that most of the subconscious tends to be dominated by cognitive biases and liabilities - He describes these as “less than best ways of thinking”.
So how do we shift to our best ways of thinking?
Peter has developed a coaching and science driven development technology which enables people to quickly develop the mindset and skillset of “Valugenic Self Leadership”
This is described as:
“The purposeful practice of engaging one’s best ways of thinking to maximise value creation in any situation and in pursuit of any worthwhile endeavour”
The aim?
Maximise assets - A game
Minimize liability - B game
Let’s have a look at mindsets:
Self Centric Mindset. When we are in this place we tend to be at our least-best or even worst. We will be dominated by cognitive bias/ liabilities
What’s in it for me?
What do I get?
How do I protect myself?
What will they think of me?
How do I look good?
When is it my turn?
Where do I fit in?
How do I win?
Valuegenic Mindset - When we are like this we:
Make better decisions
Experience less conflict and stress
Produce better results
If we can shift to the mindset that success is about the value you create not what you get, how would this change the world? Peter has come up with a fundamental question we should all be asking the human psyche:
“What choice can I make and action can I take, in this moment, to create the greatest net value? For all things considered (pros and cons) for all people concerned (you and others) - short term and long term.”
Here is an exercise for you, your clients and team members:
Can you go for an hour without using I, me or my?
Do it and let us know how you get on!!!!
Caroline Langston is the Founder of Successful Consultants Ltd, an Executive, Personal and Career Development Coaching company in Hong Kong and New York. She is also the Founder of a nonprofit providing free information and coaching to people who are unemployed. Caroline is dedicated to coaching people for success and happiness in their careers and lives. She is degree qualified with a Certificate in Professional Coaching from the ICF, Certificate in Team Coaching from the EMCC. Also further certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming at Master Practitioner and Coach level.